By: Adminalliance
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In a first of its kind event co-organized by the Eastern and West African Alliances on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance, many countries from Eastern and West Africa joined the online roundtable event that brought together countries looking to transfer and acquire internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs). The event showcased and discussed existing and emerging initiativespiloting cooperative approaches under Article 6.2.
These Initiatives are driven by countries, multinational and national institutions, such as Japan (JCM), Klik Foundation (Switzerland), World Bank (Ci-Dev) the Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) as well as the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and are in different stages of cooperation. The participants had the chance to get an insight on the different initiatives and their engagement models, share country experiences, and also exchange on how to make cooperative approaches work.One of the conclusions was that host countries require a strong institutional set up in the respective countries with decision authority and the political mandate to engage in cooperative approaches. This will require capacity building and awareness raising amongst different actors in Eastern and West African countries.